Creator :
- Comander
Greetz to :
- US-N:.Hero™
- anasTM
- EchoLondo
- Indrascoot
- Haranobu
Cheat/Trainer Effect :
- [Insert] Minimize On [Auto On]
- [F9] Ghost Mode On
- [F10] Ghost Mode Off
- [F1] Viper/Hide + Hidgear + Hack
- [F2] Reset Viper/Hide + Hidgear + Hack
- [Home] AllMision Completed
- [End] Reset Mision
harus adah point: Hack Masmed onLy Pastikan anda tidak punya Misi apapun,
lalu bayangkan anda sedang membeli Misi termurah
Setelah itu tanpa sadar anda menekan tombol Home
dan tangan anda mulai memainkan mOuse tuk Mengkilik
Tombol Mision (ada disebelah tombol inventory)
lalu mengklik Card O, lalu mengklik lagi Tombol mision tersebut
(ada disebelah tombol inventory), begitu seterusnya sampai huruf K
yg terakhir, setelah itu jgn klik huruf P yg pertama, lgsg DC aja.,
abis itu masuk lg, baru deh huruf P nya gk nyala, dan menyelesaikan misi
yang tersisa setelah selesai bermain anda akan tersadar bahwa anda telah mendapatkan
1 Masmed dan 1 ensign atau 1
medal (Obsesi sang Hypnotis,
jangan jadi ajank junk,dan oot nda usah dibahas . Hhehhe)
home : Hack Exp card dan Hack ensign/Medal Kalo mau exp gede ya beli msi major toh mas, okay ?
kalo mau ensignnya ajah atau medalnya cari yang murah,
beli Misi lalu anda Gb beneran thu misi secara nyata dari Huruf P sampe N (ingat sampe N bukan K) l
alu klik tab mision dan letakkan misi dihuruf P lalu tekan END lalu lanjutkan Gb
dengan keluar masuk ajah thu tumbal nda usah selesaikan misi lagi lemayan dapet exp kalo misi major 1 menit
bisa 1500exp (karena 1 menit bisa 3xplay) ensign atau medal dapet tiap play 1
VS :
Spoiler Scanned Report :
Scanned time : 2011/01/29 20:51:14 (CST)
Scanner results: 11% Scanner(s) (4/37) found malware!
File Name : ComanderRezpector.rar
File Size : 242535 byte
File Type : RAR archive data, v1d, os
MD5 : 3ff91de6abc8b667a11455ceb9bf247b
SHA1 : 3f3620200d7817d5b6204f2dc56c20147c4aa7bc
Online report :
Scanner Engine Ver Sig Ver Sig Date Time Scan result
a-squared 20110128171831 2011-01-28 9.83 Hoax.Win32.BadJoke.Agent!IK
AhnLab V3 2011.01.30.00 2011.01.30 2011-01-30 2.22 -
AntiVir 2011-01-28 0.32 -
Antiy 2.0.18 20110121.7499324 2011-01-21 0.02 -
Arcavir 2010 201101291944 2011-01-29 0.17 -
Authentium 5.1.1 201101281532 2011-01-28 2.00 -
AVAST! 4.7.4 110128-2 2011-01-28 0.07 -
AVG 8.5.850 271.1.1/3410 2011-01-29 0.87 -
BitDefender 7.90123.6693290 7.35975 2011-01-29 6.92 -
ClamAV 0.96.5 12583 2011-01-29 0.25 -
Comodo 4.0 7528 2011-01-29 1.62 -
CP Secure 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 0.10 -
Dr.Web 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 10.83 -
F-Prot 20110128 2011-01-28 1.92 -
F-Secure 7.02.73807 2011.01.29.01 2011-01-29 8.91 -
Fortinet 4.2.254 12.848 2011-01-29 0.42 -
GData 21.1665/21.651 20110128 2011-01-28 10.51 -
ViRobot 20110129 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 0.41 -
Ikarus T3. 2011.01.29.77619 2011-01-29 4.98 Hoax.Win32.BadJoke.Agent
JiangMin 13.0.900 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 1.41 Worm/Windaus.r
Kaspersky 5.5.10 2011.01.28 2011-01-28 0.45 -
KingSoft 2009.2.5.15 2011.1.29.18 2011-01-29 0.75
McAfee 5400.1158 6240 2011-01-28 7.32 -
Microsoft 1.6502 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 15.01 -
NOD32 3.0.21 5827 2011-01-28 0.07 -
Norman 6.06.12 6.06.00 2011-01-26 12.17 -
Panda 9.05.01 2011.01.28 2011-01-28 2.55 -
Trend Micro 9.200-1012 7.800.07 2011-01-28 0.10 -
Quick Heal 11.00 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 1.97 -
Rising 20.0 2011-01-28 4.61 -
Sophos 3.15.0 4.61 2011-01-29 3.59 -
Sunbelt 3.9.2474.2 8235 2011-01-28 9.42 -
Symantec 20110128.004 2011-01-28 0.33 -
nProtect 20110126.01 2974157 2011-01-26 5.15 -
The Hacker v00120 2011-01-26 0.48 -
VBA32 20110128.2145 2011-01-28 4.37 -
VirusBuster 0.00 -
Scanned time : 2011/01/29 20:51:14 (CST)
Scanner results: 11% Scanner(s) (4/37) found malware!
File Name : ComanderRezpector.rar
File Size : 242535 byte
File Type : RAR archive data, v1d, os
MD5 : 3ff91de6abc8b667a11455ceb9bf247b
SHA1 : 3f3620200d7817d5b6204f2dc56c20147c4aa7bc
Online report :
Scanner Engine Ver Sig Ver Sig Date Time Scan result
a-squared 20110128171831 2011-01-28 9.83 Hoax.Win32.BadJoke.Agent!IK
AhnLab V3 2011.01.30.00 2011.01.30 2011-01-30 2.22 -
AntiVir 2011-01-28 0.32 -
Antiy 2.0.18 20110121.7499324 2011-01-21 0.02 -
Arcavir 2010 201101291944 2011-01-29 0.17 -
Authentium 5.1.1 201101281532 2011-01-28 2.00 -
AVAST! 4.7.4 110128-2 2011-01-28 0.07 -
AVG 8.5.850 271.1.1/3410 2011-01-29 0.87 -
BitDefender 7.90123.6693290 7.35975 2011-01-29 6.92 -
ClamAV 0.96.5 12583 2011-01-29 0.25 -
Comodo 4.0 7528 2011-01-29 1.62 -
CP Secure 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 0.10 -
Dr.Web 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 10.83 -
F-Prot 20110128 2011-01-28 1.92 -
F-Secure 7.02.73807 2011.01.29.01 2011-01-29 8.91 -
Fortinet 4.2.254 12.848 2011-01-29 0.42 -
GData 21.1665/21.651 20110128 2011-01-28 10.51 -
ViRobot 20110129 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 0.41 -
Ikarus T3. 2011.01.29.77619 2011-01-29 4.98 Hoax.Win32.BadJoke.Agent
JiangMin 13.0.900 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 1.41 Worm/Windaus.r
Kaspersky 5.5.10 2011.01.28 2011-01-28 0.45 -
KingSoft 2009.2.5.15 2011.1.29.18 2011-01-29 0.75
McAfee 5400.1158 6240 2011-01-28 7.32 -
Microsoft 1.6502 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 15.01 -
NOD32 3.0.21 5827 2011-01-28 0.07 -
Norman 6.06.12 6.06.00 2011-01-26 12.17 -
Panda 9.05.01 2011.01.28 2011-01-28 2.55 -
Trend Micro 9.200-1012 7.800.07 2011-01-28 0.10 -
Quick Heal 11.00 2011.01.29 2011-01-29 1.97 -
Rising 20.0 2011-01-28 4.61 -
Sophos 3.15.0 4.61 2011-01-29 3.59 -
Sunbelt 3.9.2474.2 8235 2011-01-28 9.42 -
Symantec 20110128.004 2011-01-28 0.33 -
nProtect 20110126.01 2974157 2011-01-26 5.15 -
The Hacker v00120 2011-01-26 0.48 -
VBA32 20110128.2145 2011-01-28 4.37 -
VirusBuster 0.00 -
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